
This game is about creating logical circuits. You are given a table of desired properties and must chain together various gates to make it work.


Each row in a truth table depicts one case for your circuit. Each case has values for circuit inputs ("I1", "I2" and so on) and outputs ("O1", "O2" and so on). Another column labeled "C" is provided. This column is interactive and shows whether current circuit passes the given case, You can click on this column to quickly jump to that state.


Game contains 4 types of gates: AND, OR, XOR and NOT. Which is which and what do they do is for you to figure out. Here are the basic controls: drag the gates from the right. You can rearrange them however you like (even inputs and outputs!) by dragging on their main part. Right clicking on the main part deletes the gate. To connect gates together, drag from one port to another. And right click on ports or connections to remove them.

Highlighted gates are powered on, dim ones are not. You can double-click on inputs to toggle them. This will not work for any other gate.

Some people like to organize their wires. You can do that here to, by dragging on them. Try it!

Leader board

After completing a level you take a place in a global leader board! The only judged parameter of you circuit is the amount of logic gates you used. Try solving the problem some other way!


Game contains 12 levels of varying difficulty. But the fun does not end there!

You can generate levels from desired parameters and a daily level (which is the same for all players) is available. All progress is saved, even on custom puzzles!

P.S. Who cooked those levels?


Logical Connection was developed for Kenney Jam 2024 by wailer, HOPOLOK and Rchrdsasa.

Kenney assets were used extensively.


windows.exe 81 MB
Version 1 44 days ago
linux.x86_64 74 MB
Version 1 44 days ago

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